Common Orthodontic Problems

Orthodontic problems can affect both children and adults and can be caused by many factors, including genetics, thumb sucking, trauma to the gums or teeth, and dental disease. Common issues include excessive crowding or spacing, bite problems, and abnormal eruption. These issues can cause discomfort, difficultly chewing food, poor aesthetics, and make it harder to clean your teeth properly.


Crowding is a common orthodontic problem that results from a lack of space for the teeth to fit properly within the jaws, either because the teeth are too big or the jaws are too small.

Excessive Spacing

Excessive spacing is when there are large gaps between your teeth. This may result from teeth failing to grow in or are lost to trauma or disease. It is important to close the gaps between the teeth since it can cause nearby teeth to shift out of position.


A crossbite occurs when one or more of the upper teeth bite inside the lower teeth. This is typically related to misalignment of the upper and lower jaws.

Open Bite

An open bite occurs when the upper and lower front teeth do not come together when biting, resulting in an open space between them. This is typically a result of jaw disharmony or prolonged habits like thumb sucking and thrusting the tongue against the front teeth (infantile swallowing pattern).


An overbite occurs when the upper teeth bite too far down over the lower teeth. In some cases, the bite is so deep that the upper teeth cover the lower teeth completely and forces the lower teeth into the roof of the mouth (palate).


An underbite occurs when the lower front teeth extend past the upper front teeth and can be a result of overdevelopment of the lower jaw or underdevelopment of the upper jaw.


Overjet happens if the upper teeth extend too far forward or the lower teeth don’t extend far enough forward. This may be related to genetics, improper jaw development, missing lower teeth, or improper alignment of molars. Thumb sucking or tongue thrusting can worsen the problem.

Abnormal Eruption

Abnormal eruption occurs when a tooth emerges through the gum in the wrong place.

If you are concerned with the alignment of you or your child’s teeth, please don’t hesitate to contact us for a complimentary exam at Orthodontic Specialists of Southern Minnesota.


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